Club Closure due to COVID-19

Cath HillierHomepage news

Dear Members,

You are no doubt aware of the evolving situation in our community regarding the COVID pandemic. Due to the cluster on the Northern Beaches, we have had to make the decision that all activities at North Steyne SLSC will cease immediately and not resume until further notice. This includes:

  • Patrols will not take place this Saturday or Sunday β€“ Club Captain Dan Hillier will communicate directly with all patrolling members to provide more detail.  Proficiencies will not be held and the patrolling members’ club photo will not happen this year.
  • Nippers cancelled on Sunday – Brian Mariotti, Junior Activities Director, has communicated to Nipper families about this already.
  • Social activities – sadly, our Christmas party has now been cancelled and there is no BBQ this weekend. The bar is also closed.   
  • Training and Assessments have been called off on Saturday and Sunday, related to both competition and any courses which might be underway.

The surf boat carnival on the weekend has also been cancelled and no assessments will be held.

The Clubhouse is also closed and we ask that our members do not access the building. This pertains to all parts of the Club including the gym, change rooms, toilets, the Hall, Nippers equipment and board sheds.

Along with ensuring the safety of our members, the decision to cease all activities has been made based on advice and instruction from NSW Health, the Sydney Northern Beaches Council and Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches.

If you do test positive to COVID and have been at the Club recently, can you please contact myself on 0409 031 645 so we can notify the relevant authorities and contact tracing can begin. Please be assured that your information will be treated in a confidential manner and we will support you in any way we can.

We are very much hoping that we will be able to resume activities soon and will be back on the beach in time for Christmas. Of course, we will keep you advised accordingly.

In the meantime, stay safe, stay vigilant and we look forward to seeing you back on our beach soon.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.

Take care and stay well,
Chris Gibbs Stewart
0409 031 645