Constitution & Regulations
Above is the current copy of the Club Constitution, the original version of which was adopted by founding members of this Club in 1907, and amended by democratic process at Annual General Meetings. The Club is governed by the Club’s Constitution and accompanying Regulations, as well as applicable policies and procedures set out by SLSA, SLSNSW, SLSSNB and the Club.
Specific procedures relating to lifesaving operations can be found under Lifesaving.
All Club members are required to abide by the Club’s governance documents and applicable policies and procedures set out by SLSA, SLSNSW, SLSSNB and the Club. Failure to comply with any of these governance documents may result in corrective action against the offending member, including but not limited to termination of membership or suspension from any and all Club activities, as determined by the Club’s Board or Judiciary Panel.