Congratulations for a Job Well Done!

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We would like to thank Frank Traugott who has stepped down as President after 4 years. Frank did a tremendous job as President, and during his term membership grew, there were significant improvements to the Club, and he built a solid and cohesive team.

At the AGM, Frank highlighted some of the achievements during his term. He said, “4 years ago our Board identified increasing membership as a key objective. We had come off the back of 4 years of declining membership. Our membership grew again this year and has grown more than 20% over the past 4 years, whilst branch membership has declined 4%.”

Frank also said, “Today I step down as President after 4 years. It has been an absolute privilege to have served in that role at this great club. When I look back, I am constantly amazed and humbled at what our members do for the community. Not just this year, but every year. It does not happen by accident; nor for payment. Every member, supporter and sponsor is responsible for the club’s success. So, thank you all.”

Thank you, Frank, for all your great work and for so ably leading our great Club!

Kyra Jenkins left the Board after 3 years of being Chief Instructor. Kyra did a great job in this role and trained a lot of new bronzies, kept the courses running and was instrumental in the success of special training programs like Riverview. At the AGM, Kyra received an Outstanding Service award and is the youngest person ever to receive this at North Steyne.

Shannon Job also stepped down from his Assistant Secretary role and involvement with the Board for many years. Shannon was responsible for a lot of behind the scenes work, and we always relied on his sage advice to ensure we are doing things right – a constitutional walking wiki! Thank goodness he will still be around to contribute, regardless of having a formal role or not.

Others who were acknowledged for their outstanding service at the AGM include:

NSW Premier’s Volunteer Service Award, 40 years of Service: Keith Crampton and Paul Day

Distinguished Service: Chris Gibbs Stewart

Outstanding Service: Kyra Jenkins and Brett Patrick

Scholarship Recipients: Ella Falzarano, Oscar Cowell, and Emma Hillier

A number of national patrol service awards and officiating, training, assessing, facilitating and coaching service awards were also acknowledged.

Congratulations to all for a job well done!