North Steyne SLSC introduced a Special Needs Nippers program for children from U6 – U13 to encompass the broader community and engage with Community and Business Partners to foster this initiative with our Club. The program is open to children who have mild intellectual or physical disabilities that can physically access the beach.

The modified program runs straight after our regular Nippers program from 11.00am to approx. 12.30pm on a Sunday to…
• Provide promote and teach sun/ surf safety and surf awareness skills.
• Provide Surf Lifesaving based activities for children with intellectual and physical disabilities.
• Access to a leisure activity that may not have been previously available.
• Facilitate integration within the Surf Club community with these children, their families and carers.

The goal is to have a fun learning experience, to recognise a lifesaver and feel comfortable to seek help, increase awareness of swimming between the flags, improve gross motor skills and confidence in negotiating the sand and wave zones. This is all about having fun in a safe environment, learning new social skills and integrating with the broader community outside of their existing circle of friends, family and carers.

The program is run with a high level of volunteer help within the Club who act as facilitators, provide water safety and are mentors/ buddies for the participants. For some, there may be the opportunity to pursue integration into the main Nippers program.

Currently, the cost of the program and the NSSLSC uniform is met by the generous grants from Balgowlah RSL and Lions Club Manly and the many wonderful volunteers at the North Steyne SLSC.

For more information about the program, please contact our Ripper Nipper Facilitator, David Cowell on 0401 147 556.

If you require assistance with a new registration or membership renewal, please contact our Admin Manager, [email protected].