Surf Swimming
North Steyne holds a Club swim on Sunday mornings at 11.15am. All members who hold their SRC or Bronze Medallion are welcome to join in the swim.
This is a great way to keep up your fitness and prepare yourself for your proficiency by honing your surf swimming skills.
The Club swim is also a great way to meet other patrolling members of the Club.
Surf Swimming is a carnival event and for more information, see the Carnival section of the website.

Surfing ( board-riding) is one of the water events available for club members to compete in. Board-riding competitions are held as part of the local, Branch, State, and National Surf Lifesaving Carnivals.
Members can compete in the following age categories:
U12 – 14 Junior local carnivals through to Branch & State
U15 – Opens & Masters Local, Branch State & National carnivals
Board Riding comp at local carnivals is generally held early on the day of the Open carnival, start time 6.30-7am.
Even though entries are entered by North Steyne SLSC, but you also need to register appearance at the event by signing in on the day.