Members are invited to the North Steyne SLSC Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, 12 September 2020 commencing at 4:00 pm in the Club Hall. (Please note change of venue since our newsletter announcement, we can no longer hold it at the Balgowlah RSL due to COVID uncertainty).
- Notice of the 113TH Annual General Meeting;
- Draft Minutes of the AGM held 21 July 2019 North Steyne SLSC;
- North Steyne SLSC Nomination Form 2020-2021.
The nomination forms for Club Officers are also available by contacting the Secretary, Cath Hillier, or the North Steyne Administration Manager, Audrey Bruen, or call 9977-6180. Forms can also be picked up at the Club during office hours.
Nomination forms must be returned to the Club by Friday, 4 September 2020 by 5:00pm.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, numbers at the AGM will be limited to 30 people. In order to express your interest in attending, please e-mail Audrey and we will confirm your attendance a few days before the meeting. Note that we are also trying to arrange an online option for attendance, and we will also advise if this is available closer to the date.
Further, arrangements for voting will be made if we cannot confirm your attendance in person.
This continues to be an unusual year and thank you for your patience as we work through ensuring the safety of our members while acknowledging our achievements of season 2019/2020.