As Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, updated information has been distributed from SLSNSW.
SLSNSW is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its members, and with the current Coronavirus emergency continuing to escalate, we feel it is important to provide as much information that is relevant for all lifesavers, emergency first responders and community members.
SLSNSW will continue to ensure relevant information and important updates are added to its resource section of the SLSNSW website, to view the latest bulletin please clickΒ here.Β
Recommended actions for dealing with suspected cases of Coronavirus:
- Use issued PPE as per existing protocols with all patients.
- If a patient exhibits flu like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing) and/or if it is established that the patient has a high temperature over 38 degrees, withdraw from activities immediately and notify your Patrol Captain.
- Patrol Captains should notify SurfCom on 02 9471 8092 and follow instructions for patient and patrol members. DO NOT broadcast information regarding suspected cased of people with Coronavirus over the radio network.
- DO NOT treat suspected persons with coronavirus in Surf Club First Aid rooms or other areas of the Club, unless there is a dedicated room and the surf lifesaver is wearing appropriate PPE.
- Patrolling Members suspected to be directly exposed to confirmed Coronavirus cases should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water and follow existing SOPs, then self-isolate and seek medical attention.
General messages:
- Pay attention to hand hygiene. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, and avoid touching your face.
- Practice cough etiquette by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or using a tissue. Dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash your hands afterwards.
- Avoid close contact with others, such as touching, shaking hands, hugging and kissing.
- Regularly wipe down surfaces.
- Face masks are not recommended for use by members of the public, although anyone who wants to be cautious can of course choose to wear one.
- If you feel unwell and develop a fever or shortness of breath, a cough, sore throat or respiratory illness do not come to work, surf club, patrols or events and contact your doctor.