Club champs are on this Sunday 11th April from 8am. (Arrive 7:45am for marshalling)
Age groups for the event: U14, U15, U17, U19, OpenMasters 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59, 60+
The list of events include:
- Sprints Flags Swim Board Iron person (minus the ski)
- Team events: ‘Club relay’ with a member, nippers, youth/opens, and masters.
- Random draw on the day – Patrol Team Relay: swim, tube swim, board rescue
Please sign up and register here: This will assist to do some draws / program prior to the event.
What to bring: Goggles, swimmers and pink rashie
Also pack your patrol uniform for an Offical Club Photo between 10.30am and 11am.
Also on the look out for anyone who is keen to be a recorder / starter / official on the day. You can fill out that option in the link.